Your services have evolved so must your brand.


Website Design and Development, Photography.


Consolidated Energy Solutions Inc.


Smart phones and other mobile devices are fast becoming the preferred method of Internet access by customers. The CES website is designed and built on a responsive platform. Responsive web design is a website design that adjusts and adapts to fit on desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone browsers. A responsive site gives your customers what they want (easy visibility and navigation so they can browse and shop while mobile). CES understood that if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing business, your customers will go to more convenient sites like your competitors. The new site has worked favourably in aquiring new business leads. A Google survey found that: 74% of visitors were more likely to return to mobile friendly websites, 61% were likely to leave if a site wasn’t mobile friendly, and 67% were more likely to buy at a mobile friendly website. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing business. That doesn’t mean you should ignore those customers who still use desktops and laptops, though. They still account for a significant portion of your customer base and new prospects.

Responsive web design gives you benefits that you absolutely need to thrive in today’s business landscape.

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Let’s Talk.

Let’s Talk.

